On this page are presented the creations made in one unique representation, on sale – exhibited or not.
To know the price, contact: celia.mf@celiafabbri.com
Linked in Egypt to Osiris (the Egyptian god of the afterlife) and eternity, the hieroglyph, which was attributed to both a tree and the spine, meant “stability” and “durability”. My creation of plants and flowers (for the tree) and of classical paintings (for the human expression) represents the various important passages and feelings of earthly life before entering the heavens.
It is often difficult to express how we conceptualise relationships. Here, the perfect relationship is represented through the prism of colours.
– Blue carries the colours of friendship (a deep, long-term relationship that takes time to build and is made of trust, affection and understanding. A friend is a lover and our friendships are love stories).
– Red is related to pure sexuality – primitive and instinctive, living in the short term.
– Yellow is romance, sentimentality, a form of idealism. The love relationship is part of it – that attachment which makes us feel that the physical contact is not just sexual, that the emotional and intellectual bond is not just friendly.
– With Red and Blue comes Violet: the colour of intimacy – creating a lasting connection on all levels (physical, intellectual and emotional).
– With Red and Yellow comes the Orange den of passion – a powerful but potentially dangerous place because our passions can make us selfish if not balanced by other colours.
– With Blue and Yellow comes the Green of togetherness. Stronger than friendship but less idealist than romance, it makes a soul connect and attach to another in an abysmal but chaste way – for example your sibling or that friend who is much more, like family.
Our different relationships swim through some of these colours depending on our connections and attachments. If you don’t offer any colours, there is no relationship. If you offer many colours, in a more or less balanced way, you build a solid and lasting foundation for strong love relationships.
In this creation you can see all the colours represented in different proportions. The blue of friendship is dominant because it is linked to the sea and the sea has a strong emotional meaning as it represents inner peace. The sea has the power to support us, to lighten us, to calm us and to relax us. For overthinking and overfeeling people, it is an undeniable healing support. And finally, aren’t the relationships we cherish most those that feed our soul’s needs?